Randy Marble
and the Marbles Motors Team
A lifelong motorcycle enthusiast that just simply has a passion for the old Japanese bikes. I guess I was just part of that revolution when they hit the shores with the Candy Color bikes, reliability and such a wide range of offerings. I started out on an Alexander Reynolds mini-bike and then graduated to a Honda Z50 K1. The yearning for a real bike with a real hand clutch and 4 gears began with the first magazine I saw with an advertisement for the SL70. My family had moved to a location out in the country and I was set free to discover the world of woods and hills. Never a competitor in any type of competition because I didn’t have all the equipment and preferred to ride in tennis shoes. After the SL70 came larger two stroke bikes and eventually a Kawasaki Z1 900.
The Marblesmotors business was borne completely by accident when I discovered Ebay and bought an SL70. When it was delivered to me it was in rough shape and I decided to tackle getting it back into shape. Quickly learning that there were no paint codes, rubber intake boots, tank badges, grips, seats etc made it a tough endeavor, but I still managed to make it presentable. With that project came the desire to do another one and the rest is about 15 years of history of reproducing parts, working with painters to get great representative bodywork etc.
In my opinion, the single most important item to get right when doing a restoration is the replication of the colors/stripes on the bikes. That just simply makes or breaks the deal and that is why I have concentrated on creating the formulas for the colors and selling the paint and also providing the turn-key paint jobs. Engine rebuilding/restoration was also a time tested endeavor to get the correct finishes on the surfaces and we now have that down to a science. Whether you prefer paint or powdercoat, whether you want brightly polished aluminum or scuffed down like the factory and whether you have to have NOS parts or accept Reproduction items, I endeavor to create the bike you are looking for. You can keep up with my projects by going to the Restoration Services Tab on the home page. If you are looking for a particular bike, you may find it on my Bikes for Sale page.